Title: 5Basically i'm looking for creativity and originality in your titles, whether or not it can relate to the story, can it attract the reader (this one is pretty important) and yep that's about all. ^^
Description/Foreword: 10Your description should enthral the readers and fascinate them with the details in your story. A powerful description is an addictive one which will lock the readers' attention.
Character introduction will also count in this part!
Graphic/Poster: 5Basically.. Just whether or not your poster fits the story's genre, and if it's eye-catching. If I totally fell in love with the poster, then full marks for you! :D
Plot: 15For this, I'll judge on whether or not your plot is cliche, the development of the story, characterization and stuff like that. :D
Flow: 5This will be judged based on the speed and process of the story (is it too fast or too slow?), did it make sense?
Vocab/Punctuation/Grammar/Spelling: 15Just by looking at the title, you can tell what this is gonna be about. :D (i can understand if english isn't your first language though).
Ending: 15Your ending should wrap up the story and leave the reader feeling satisfied. It should also make a deep impression and not feel rushed.
Format: /10This actually depends on the way you write your story - did it make me want to sleep? or did it make me feel very excited?
Writing Style: 20Basically just how you wrote the story, did you use so much bright font colours it hurt my eyes? or was it the opposite way?
Total: 10080-100 marks - So awesome I can't describe it! You should totally go write a book! :D
60-79 marks - Your story rocks too so keep it up!
40-59 - There's room for improvement, but don't be disheartened! You'll soon make it into the 60-79 range.
20-49 - Lots of room for improvement, so hwaiting!
0-29 - You really need to work hard, but don't give up!