Author:Story:URL:Reviewer: Cerebral
Title/Forward: 00/10 → Interest
→ Hooker
Plot/Flow/Feel/Originality: 00/30 → How much Cliche
→ Do plot pieces connect?
→ How realistic?
Imagery/Writing Style: 00/20 → 5 senses, hearing, touch, smell, taste, sight
Grammar/Format: 00/10 → Readable?
Ending: 00/10 → Did you end at the right time?
→ Ending is still in beta so subject to change :x
00/85= pctNow you probably got a low score from me (everyone does) so I hope you understand that some stories get 80 percent and there are stories that are 2x better than those stories. In other words that would make those stories 160 percent. And even the greatest authors are in the 90 percentile range. So I’m sorry if you came here expecting a good percentage but reviews are supposed to help you gain knowledge of how to improve your stories. (I get upset writers so I want to explain to them here to prevent upset moods.)